The Great Commission has become the great omission of the Twenty-First Century American Pentecostal church. Throughout the major Pentecostal denominations of our nation, there is a decline in the conversion rate of new converts, which has become quite apparent. What is the cause of this problem? How do we properly confront this problem? How do we reverse this problem?
Through research of the major Pentecostal denominations of America, I have found an interesting parallel between the decline in conversions and the decline of spirit baptisms. It is my opinion that there is a direct correlation between the two. As seen throughout the Book of Acts, evangelism was the central work of the early church. This was in fulfillment to the words of Christ in Acts 1:8. The disciples were told they would receive supernatural power to be witnesses after being filled with the spirit. Could it be we are not seeing as many conversions due to the fact that we have too few individuals sitting in our congregations who are spirit – field as evidenced in the second chapter of acts?
Having performed a case study involving two separate congregations, the concluding evidence to support my theory was overwhelming. Each congregation involved in the case study had both Spirit–filled and non-Spirit–filled believers participating. The case study, along with the statistical information provided by various Pentecostal denominations, should caused the church to realize the need for a renewal of spirit baptism throughout our movement for the sake of reaping the harvest for Jesus Christ.